Saturday, 2 February 2013

BCA-203: Discrete Mathematics

Filled under:

Unit 1 - Matrix

Type of matrix
1.       Matrix
2.       Principle Matrix
3.       Transpose Matrix
4.       Equal Matrix

Note: M = Row, N = Column

-Matrix and Corresponding Elements are same is called Equal Matrix.

-Convert in to Row and Column is called Transpose Matrix.

Column Matrix:
                If any matrix has order M×1 than it is known as column matrix i.e. If a matrix has only one column and any number of rows than it is known as Column matrix.
Row Matrix:
                If a matrix has order 1×N than it is known as row matrix that is if a matrix has single row and any number of columns than it is known as row matrix.
Example:             A= [a11  a12           a13          a14           - - -         an]

Square Matrix:
                If a matrix has number of rows and number of column are equal than it is as square matrix. For square matrix N=N there for order of square matrix is denoted by am also.

                A= [aij]n
                B= [bij]3

Null Matrix:
                A all the elements of a matrix are 0 than it is called null matrix or 0 matrix.
Simple Definition: All elements are 0 is called Null matrix.

Unique Matrix & Identity Matrix:
                In a square matrix if all the principle diagonal elements are 1 and all others elements are 0 than it is called unique matrix & identity matrix
                Matrix a order of N×N it is a unique matrix when it is denoted by
Simple Definition: All the principle diagonal matrix are 1 and other elements are 0 is called unique matrix & Identity Matrix

Diagonal Matrix:
                Ina a square matrix, all the elements are 0 except the principle diagonal elements is called as diagonal matrix.
Simple Definition: All the elements are 0 and Principle diagonal elements are other is called Diagonal matrix.

Scalar Matrix:
                In a square matrix all the principle diagonal elements are same and all other elements are 0 then it is called scalar matrix.
Simple Definition: All the principle diagonal elements are same and other elements are 0 is called scalar matrix.

Symmetric Matrix:
                For any square matrix a, transpose of matrix a is equal to the given matrix a i.e. At=A, than it is called symmetric matrix.
In other words aij=aji for A= [aij]n , when
                I= 1, 2, -----n
                J= 1, 2, -----n
Simple Definition: Rows and Column are equal is called symmetric matrix.


a12 = a21
a13 = a31
a23 = a32

Skew Symmetric Matrix:
                For any square matrix a, aij = -aji for Ɏij or AT = A, and all the principle diagonal elements are 0 it is called skew symmetric matrix.
Simple Definition: Principle diagonal elements are 0 and other elements are equal is called skew symmetric matrix.


aij = aji
a12 = a21
a13 = a31
a23 = a32 
AT = -A

Triangle Matrix:
1)      Upper Triangle Matrix:
For a square matrix if each element below the principle diagonal is 0 than it is called has upper triangle matrix.

2)      Lower Triangle Matrix:
For a square matrix if each element above the principle diagonal is 0 than it is called has lower tringle matrix.

Posted By New12:51